普林斯頓大學葛思德東亞圖書館 ・ プリンストン大学東アジア図書館 ・ 프린스턴 대학교 동아시아 도서관

Category: Uncategorized

  • New addition to Song Tomb Inscriptions Database = 宋代墓志铭数据库

    Princeton users now have access to the third part of the Song Tomb Inscriptions Database. The third part adds 2,000 new inscriptions to the database. Where available high-quality images of the rubbings have been added to the database and can be viewed side by side with the text. The database is full-text searchable, but operates…

  • Display of Works by Han Kang – Laureate of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature

    Following the award of the Nobel prize in literature to Han Kang, the East Asian Library has prepared a display of the library’s collections of her works in Korean and English in the periodical reading room. All the titles on display are available for loan.

  • Princeton Library Research Grants

    Each year, the Friends of the Princeton University Library offer short-term Library Research Grants to promote scholarly use of the Princeton University Library special and distinct collections. Applications will be considered for scholarly use of archives, manuscripts, rare books, and other rare and unique holdings in Special Collections, including Mudd Library; as well as rare…

  • New database: 医中誌Ichushi Web

    Princeton users now have access to the Ichushi web. The database is developed and operated by the NPO Association of Central Medical Journal Publishers and contains bibliographic information in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nursing, psychology, welfare, and related areas, published from 1903 to the present and includes access to the original journal Igaku…

  • New database: Books of Modern China (1840-1949)

    Princeton users now have access to this collection of 120,000 late Qing and Republican e-books from Shanghai Library including many rare titles. The database is part of Shanghai Library’s Quanguo baokan suoyin 全国报刊索引 which previously only offered access to newspapers and journals. Access to the new Republican eBooks transform the Shanghai Library database into an…

  • Hanyucidian.org 漢語辭典總匯

    Princeton users now have trial access to Hanyucidian.org. The website gives access to 50 Chinese language dictionaries including the extended first edition of the Hanyu dacidian 漢語大詞典 (第一版+訂補) as well as other important dictionaries like the Kangxi zidian 康熙字典, the Foxue dacidain 佛學大辭典, and the Unicode UniHan database. The website was programmed by a German…