Author: jseufert
Just Published: Bibliography of Modern Korean Periodicals
The Digital Humanities Project on Bibliography of Modern Korean Periodicals (BMKP; has now been published. This initiative builds upon the Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals (Colonial Korea 1900–1945), completed in 2022, with the goal of creating a more integrated and dynamic bibliographic resource using digital visualization tools. A team of three Korean Studies Librarians: Jude…
New trial: New additions to Lidai shiwenji zongku = 歷代詩文集總庫: 總集編
The Lidai shiwenji zongku 歷代詩文集總庫 (previously known as Lidai bieji ku 歷代別集庫) consists of the collected poetry writings of individuals. Currently Princeton users have access to 8,000 titles of the full range of pre-Ming, Ming, and Qing authors. As all Airusheng/Erudition databases, the texts have been carefully digitized and checked for optimal full-text searching. Please…
New trial: New additions to Zhongguo fangzhi ku = 中國方志庫
Princeton users now have trial access to part four of this database. The new part adds 2,000 pre-modern local gazetteers dating from the Song to the Republican period with a strong focus on the Qing. There are many ways of searching this full-text database, including by region, title or period, but at the same time,…
New database: Chinese Dictionary Compendium = 漢語辭典總匯
Princeton users now have access to the Chinese Dictionary Compendium at The database gives access to 50 Chinese language dictionaries published by 上海辞书出版社 including the extended first edition of the Hanyu dacidian 漢語大詞典 (第一版+訂補) as well as other important dictionaries like the Kangxi zidian 康熙字典, the Foxue dacidain 佛學大辭典, and the Unicode UniHan database. The…
British Colonial Policy and Intelligence Files on Asia, 1880–1950
Princeton users now have access to British Colonial Policy and Intelligence Files on Asia, 1880–1950. The original documents are part of the Oriental & India Office Collections (OIOC, now part of the Asia, Pacific, and Africa Collections), British Library, London. The East Asian parts of this collection include: British Intelligence Files on the Chinese in…